Molesting the alligators...
If you zoom into the picture, then you'll realize how damn close my foot is to this dinosaur...
Love that tree.
Looks so fake. It wasn't!
There's a video of this one as he is growling.
This isn't from this race BUT this is exactly how it looks at night.
Can you see how much he was leaning?
Right foot.
Left foot.
We didn't get these but I liked it anyway.
I can't remember who gave me the video - Make sure the volume is on loudest...
I can't remember who gave me the video - Make sure the volume is on loudest...
I can't remember who gave me the video - Make sure the volume is on loudest...
Veronica Lyn from FB - Make sure the volume is on loudest...
Connie Real from youtube - Make sure the volume is on loudest...