

happen to love this race. I just want to say that. That being said, it challenges me. It fits me. I can try to push...That being said, the summer of 2021 was interesting. I was meeting with Dionida, once a week at 6am-ish and going to a different beach to practice OWS. She needed a personal lifeguard and that was me. I was there to make sure that a) she didn't accidentaly swim to Europe b) that she was safe c) that she was able to get back to shore and of course d) keep an eye out for sharks... No joke but we were at one of the beaches one day, and 3 hours later I heard on the news that 3 sharks were spotted there.

Anyway, I was using a wetsuit at these times, but since I considered this race, I started going without a wetsuit to prepare myself. This swim is too short to lose time trying to get the wetsuit off.

Anyway, I got there raceday and did my thing. Walked and talked. Had to show my Vax card which I was VERY happy about but you could easily circumnavigate it which sucked.

I saw Irwin Weiss which I haven't seen in ages. That was nice.

Worthwhile mention: I did see a below the knee amputee female athlete and I thought that was awesome. Knowing that after the swim, you have a soft sand beach run to Transition, I was wondering about her but hey! She's here and she's got it. I did get a few of her pictures tho just to show. Major props...

The swim went as expected. I was in the top whatever percent. Ray, Donald's friend, smoked me and I expected that too.

Got out of the water soon enough and beach run. Cleaned up and started running. I push. Always seem to fight the wind. Down the hill to the water... Up the hill. Turned around and went down the hill and by the water. Being chased. Not letting people overtake me. Past transition and 1/2 mile out. I'm being chased badly but I know the course. I know where to disappear from view while pushing. I push. I chase these 2 girls doing the 5K. I finish. Beat the chaser by 35 seconds. I then went out for another 5K and as I'm running, I hear my name being called. An accented female voice but someone who pronounced name correctly. Sylvia Kogan!!! Well, half of her anyway. Major weight lost. She was with a group of people walking. NICE! Eventually I left them and hooked up with Annamarie Favarolo, a nurse doing the race. I pace her. I advise her. I push her. I get her to the finish. All is good.

Elizabeth does show up at 1 point and that was nice. We eventually leave.
